Perl 6: HEREDOCS Have Changed

Mark Leighton Fisher on 2007-05-03T17:00:51

A note to myself and others who have had trouble with HEREDOCs in Perl 6: the syntax has changed. Try something like:

say q:to/endSAY/;
class Config;
# Pugs/Perl 6 configuration, autogenerated from pugs -V.

# our configuration info
my %Config = (

instead of using "<<". (Note the "q" followed by ":to" followed by the terminator "/endSAY/"...)

I'm sure it's "correct" on some level..

jk2addict on 2007-05-03T17:02:56

but holy just got more complicated batman...

Re:I'm sure it's "correct" on some level..

sigzero on 2007-05-03T18:23:43

What the hey! That isn't any more clear. I much prefer the current one.